London Energy Club | EVENTS
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Webinar summary: How will India’s Future Energy Strategy Evolve? Thursday 8 October 2020

27 October in EVENTS

Webinar summary: How will India’s Future Energy Strategy Evolve? Thursday 8 October 2020 At present India relies on coal and imported oil as the main providers for its energy requirements. There is a huge deficit. There is the opportunity for renewables – 4th largest wind power installed, solar, hydrogen and hydro....

Webinar summary: What do The Green Deal and Green Stimulus mean for governments and business? Thursday 10 September 2020

29 September in EVENTS

Webinar summary: What do The Green Deal and Green Stimulus mean for governments and business? Thursday 10 September 2020 The Green New Deal is inspired by US President Roosevelt’s New Deal because his administration unilaterally dismantled the gold standard – the globalised financial system of his day – and stripped Wall...

Webinar summary: The Future of Oil in the Middle East: Building Diversified Economies in an Age of Energy Transition Tuesday 28 July 2020

29 September in EVENTS

Webinar summary: The Future of Oil in the Middle East: Building Diversified Economies in an Age of Energy Transition Tuesday 28 July 2020 One key message that emerged from the second online summit of The London Energy Club was “the strongest and most promising renewable energy for the Middle East is...

Webinar summary: How will we manage energy companies and systems in the emerging new global order? Wednesday 8 July 2020

29 September in EVENTS

Webinar summary: How will we manage energy companies and systems in the emerging new global order? Wednesday 8 July 2020 In keeping with these changing times, The London Energy Club, operating as an exclusive gathering of energy leaders, joined the virtual world at its sixth meeting to offer its contributions towards...

How to overcome the impasse in the Eastern Mediterranean Energy Landscape, 23 January 2020

29 September in EVENTS

January Meeting with Dr Harry Tzimitras, Director, PRIO The London Energy Club met on 23 January 2020 to discuss the current major issue of the impasse in the Eastern Mediterranean Energy Landscape This summary of the discussions and recommendations has been issued under the Co-Chairs’ responsibility in order to generate further momentum for...

Financing Renewables and Competition with Hydrocarbon fuels, Thursday 3rd October 2019

17 September in EVENTS

October Meeting with Francesco La Camera, Director-General, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), UAE The London Energy Club met on 3 October 2019 to discuss the current major issue of financing renewables and their strong competition with fossil fuels. There was considerable tension around the table, which brought together key energy companies and...

Launch Meeting, Thursday 7th February 2019

09 January in EVENTS

Launch Meeting with Dr Sun Xiansheng, Secretary-General, International Energy Forum. The inaugural meeting of the London Energy Club will take place on Thursday 7th February 2019 at the Travellers Club, London. We are grateful that Dr Sun Xiansheng, Secretary-General, International Energy Forum, and former Senior Executive, China National Petroleum Corporation, will initiate our discussions with a...