London Energy Club | Webinar summary: How will we manage energy companies and systems in the emerging new global order? Wednesday 8 July 2020
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Webinar summary: How will we manage energy companies and systems in the emerging new global order? Wednesday 8 July 2020

13:09 29 September in EVENTS

Webinar summary: How will we manage energy companies and systems in the emerging new global order? Wednesday 8 July 2020

In keeping with these changing times, The London Energy Club, operating as an exclusive gathering of energy leaders, joined the virtual world at its sixth meeting to offer its contributions towards achieving a more sustainable, resilient energy world.

The full video of the discussion i n which around 100 members and guests took part is available upon request. To receive a copy, please contact

We are grateful to the following speakers who initiated the discussions: 
  • Lord Howell of Guildford, Former Minister of State (Foreign and
    Commonwealth Office) and Chairman, Windsor Energy Group, UK
  • Bassam Fattouh, Director, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, UK
  • Julian Popov, Former Minister of Environment, Bulgaria
  • Adam Siemenski, President of the King Abdullah Petroleum Studies
    Research Center (KAPSARC)
  • Harry Tzimitras, Director Peace Research Institute Oslo PRIO Cyprus Centre, Cyprus

For further information on membership of the London Energy Club, please contact:

Travellers Club, London