Changing Energy Dynamics And Risks: Where Will Finance Come From?
New energy game?
Throughout human history energy has always been at the heart of civilisations. In today’s world it is even more so. Particularly, in the new “Great Game”[1] still in the making, energy figures prominently – alongside food and water – as the mostimportant sourceof economic life and advancement, but also as a root-cause of conflicts, risks, profits and cross-border collaboration.
Energy and associated sectors also form the backbone of our economies, investment and trade flows, technology innovation and business transactions. It is essential for everything from fuelling our cars to heating our homes to powering the appliances. The term “energy”is very broad and covers a lot of ground, from oil drillers to electric utilities[2]. Without energy, our lives will become paralysed.It also remains a central component of nearly every global challenge, from universal access to electricity to climate change, from geopolitical tensions to technology discoveries and disruptions[3]. The world’s energy map is no longer the same as it was over the past two decades. Specifically, with the advent of significant discoveries and oversupply in North America and elsewhere, a new global energy map is emerging – it will change the traditional demand-supply equation, rules and players of the ‘’game.’’In the new, energy-centric world, the price and availability of oil, gas and electricity dominate our lives. Power will reside in…
[1] Mehmet is currently CEO of Global Resources Partnership, leads The London Energy Club and T A prominent international authority on energy, geopolitics and investment, Mehmet is currently CEO of Global Resources Partnership, leads The London Energy Club and The Bosphorus Energy Club. He also sits on the boards of several international groups as independent non-executive director. Previously he served as the prime minister’s advisor, diplomat, IEA and OECD principal administrator, and British Gas Group director. He was also an independent board member at Genel Energy, Invensys, Yasar Group and Sisecam. He is the author of many books and articles including recently “The New Geopolitical and Economic Journey: Turkey’s Next Ten Years” (Bilgesam) and “The New Great Game: Where we stand and where we are heading towards?” (Dogan Kitap).
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